May Day Treat: Anzac Scones

Happy May Day!Three years ago in May, I enjoyed Bev Eagy's hospitality at the Anzac Tea Room, and now we can make her cream scones, thanks to this video Mrs. H. shared! Enjoy! And if you're ever in Oregon, don't forget your reservations at the Anzac for tea on the veranda.

(See "Tea with Mrs. Humphrey et al" for additional photos of our May visit.)


Lauryl Lane said…
My darling {lovah} and I are doing a dastardly cleanse right now, so naturally all I can think of is all the food I want to eat. Those scones look totally delish, and when my allotted ten days of cleansing are up, I shall be baking up a storm! PS Where in Oregon? We plan to settle in Portland, eventually. ;-)
Rebecca said…
Anzac is in the Dalles, not too far from Portland, as I recall.
Lillibeth said…
Portland is an hour or so away from the The Dalles:)

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