A Hike at Henning State Forest
Amanda and Johanna
We climbed over a lot of rocks, forded streams, and trailed through some mud.
Fording the StreamJoshua and Michelle discussed some interesting topics, while the others of us mostly evesdropped. I found the temperature too cold and the path too obstacle-ridden to permit my focusing on discussions too deep!
Pressing On
We walked and walked and walked, and it seemed like we should be getting back to the parking lot, after an hour and a half, but little did we know, we were only halfway around the Homesteader's Loop.
Checking Our Course at the Halfway Point
The Road Ahead
Three hours later, when we finally finished the hike, we had walked, climbed, slipped and tripped over five miles, and this evening, I am growing stiff and sore, but it was worth the trip to be out in the wilderness!