I don't understand the mechanics of faith or why the exercise of it is pleasing to God. Is being out on a limb ever comfortable? Yet I rest there, assured that underneath are the everlasting arms. If I fall when following His voice, He will bear me up. Abraham's faith and active obedience to God were counted for righteousness. He believed God. Would I leave my home and family because God promised to show me favor in another land? Would I believe it if He promised my descendants would outnumber the stars even though I were old and childless? God has spoken smaller promises to my heart, and for fear or doubt, I haven't always followed Him. But with His help, I will in this exercize of faith; I will trust Him and I will follow. "But He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold (Job 23:10).
The God Who Sees
Sometimes we have to jump when we can’t see what we’re jumping into.
By Steve Ares
The God Who Sees
Sometimes we have to jump when we can’t see what we’re jumping into.
By Steve Ares