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Why is it, that even with such a beautiful bed in which to rest my weary self, I am always loathe to relinquish my days to sleep? I want to think and read and do more, and yet there is the foreboding knowledge that if I indulge my whim, I will not be able to function on the morrow. It's one of the realities of life to which I doubt I shall ever be reconciled. And so, as the lights go out, I bid you all good night and pleasant dreams and another day for doing what you love.


Lauryl Lane said…
You don't like to SLEEP??? Hmm... I don't have that difficulty. I've always loved sleeping, have always in fact NEEDED approximately 8 hrs of sleep a night in order to function well. I didn't get that during college and was rather sickly for 4 years as a result. I find myself needing even more sleep as I get older. Speaking of sleep... I've been up for over 18 hours now, and it is quite time for me to get to bed. ;-)
Rebecca said…
Yes, of course I like sleep. Eight hours is lovely. Perhaps I should do another post describing how loathe I am to throw off the quilt, come morning! You know how it is though, with all your projects calling...
Amy said…
I really like your quilt. I have a birthday wedding ring quilt coming in the mail. It's from Betty Gram. You'll like it. Looking forward to writing in the new little journal...oh by the way you may have the short plaid skirt...I think it is better suited to you. :)

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