Little Britain

Anne Hathaway's Cottage, Stratford-Upon-Avon

Home in Oklahoma, but with my heart in England, I've been on the lookout for British influences in my town. I didn't have to look very far, either. Below is our neighbor's house, a modest brick ranchstyle home. What makes it British then? Diamond-paned windows and roses. And wouldn't you know, the orange brick is reminiscent of Jane Austen's home in Chawton.

Another glimpse I've had of Britain was granted me when I went out for a walk in the neighborhood near my downtown office. An apartment building in roughly Tudor style that reminds one of Anne Hathaway's cottage in Stratford-Upon-Avon. The corner tenant has let the English ivy creep up the walls for an especially authentic effect. (Note the diamond-pane windows!)


Linden said…
My dream-home looks something like these pictures. I adore the style of architecture they use in the "old-style" cottages and houses. And diamond-pane windows? Who can resist the simple beauty they possess? Honestly... I'm now going to be daydreaming for the rest of the day about what I wish my life will be like in about ten years. Sooner'd be nice too... but... here come the day-dreams.


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